There are two things that I do every day and rarely skip either of those (except when I’m travelling or on a plane etc.). These are my MUST Dos. Non-negotiable.
1) Working out - I start the day with this ritual. I’m in the gym at 5 AM no matter how cold or hot it is, no matter how hard the rain is pouring.
Five days a week. This puts me in MACH 5 and the day has already provided something for me (earned). It’s like a positive wave of energy that lasts throughout the day.
It has a cascading effect on every thing else I do, in my business, at work and in relationship at home and so forth.
2) micro manage the 1st hour after waking up, and the last 1 hour before bed. I review what I need to execute on before the phone calls, the emails, the texts and other distractions (client firefights etc.) get in the way.
And before I go to bed, I review what I had set out to do that day, what I can check off the list, and what I have to carry over.
Rituals are where the power is. We are our rituals.